21 The Pippins, Stafford PV System Profile
Location:Stafford, United Kingdom
Operator:Stafford Solar
PV system power:4.000 kWp
Annual Production:approx. 3,264 kWh (816 kWh/kWp)
CO2 avoided:Approx. 2.3 tons per annum
Modules:Schott Solar GmbH SCHOTT POLY 225
Communication:Sunny WebBox
Inverter:Sunny Boy 1200
Sunny Boy 3000


We have 2 south facing roofs fitted with solar panels. Main house roof has 2.7Kw and garage roof has 1.3Kw. Main house roof is fitted with Schott Poly 225 panels which have shown their durability during the cold weather and everything the general British weather can throw at them.
The garage roof is fitted with Phono Solar 185w Mono panels. The reason for fitting two different types of panel was to monitor the outputs between mono and poly panels.
The installation was fitted by local company Stafford Solar and we are more than happy to recommend them. www.staffordsolar.co.uk
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