Location:Centerville, United States
PV system power:26.400 kWp
Annual Production:approx. 39,600 kWh (1,500 kWh/kWp)
CO2 avoided:Approx. 26.6 tons per annum
Modules:SolarWorld SW275 mono
Communication:4 x SMA Webconnect
Inverter:4 x Sunny Boy 7000TL-US-22


Electricity generated from our PV system is expected to be 40,000 kWh annually, avoiding approximately 30 tons of CO2 emissions per year. Our community will see that we are living our values as a Christian congregation who wants to protect the Earth. We can partner with the local community and the schools by inviting them to see our project and learn how it works. We can be a witness to the power of the sun. Our church will be "powered by GOD" in more ways than one.